Description of experiments from Which the time stamp data are provided:
"20 motes are given ids from number 1 to 20. Each node broadcasts 10 packets (to make the system robust) to the rest of 19 nodes, but the receiver nodes only record the first packets that successfully arrive. All the nodes take turns to broadcast packets according to their id number. Each packet includes sender id, receiver id, sender timestamp, receiver timestamp. After 20th node finishes broadcasting, all the nodes wait 60 seconds to start a new round. The experiment has 80 rounds of good data."

  The matlab m-file attached includes code to convert the excel file into 3-D matrices that you can use to extract the sender time-stamp and receiver time-stamp when you feed in the round number, the sender id and the receiver id. 

Note: the raw time stamps are taken using a 32kHz counter. So you will need to divide the time stamps by 32 to get them in units of milliseconds.