Bridging offices..


Instructions for Operation

  1. Power on the Mikrotik router(already set up with a DHCP server)
  2. Create the following files in the project Library
    • file.txt – Store the name of the attendees
    • rcvdNameList.txt
    • clientIP.txt
  3. From the Routers registration table add the IP address’s to the clientIP.txt
  4. Update the following addresses
    • In - Change the variable commServerIp to IP address of the Server in the other location.
  5. Run the application UIS on the android phones first
  6. Start on the two servers.
  7. Now after verification from the server the users can use the app.

Software Tools Used

  1. Eclipse with Android sdk
  2. Mikrotik router OS

Devices Used

  1. Microtik Routers (2)
  2. Android Phones (2)